Snow Day With The Birdman

Put it out and they will come!  Mark cleaning out and filling the Mercedes 2000.
And yes, that is a small trash can of sunflower weeds.

Gloria, is this a Red-bellied woodpecker?  They LOVE the peanuts.  Now that here are no leaves on the trees we can watch and see where he takes the peanuts.  I thin there is a nest in a black walnut tree in the 'back 40'.

I am guessing these are Downy woodpeckers because they are a smaller version of another woodpecker that comes to the feeder also.

It was so cold and windy that this little Carolina wren got inside the suet feeder.

Hot pepper suet...the wood peckers love it.

We throw seeds close to the back door so I can get right up in their faces if I am real slow and quiet.

Could this be some kind of sparrow?
(Gloria says Song Sparrow)



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