Funfilled Friday

We went through what is left of preschool books all my and pulled out all of the snow books.  I think I can recite them from memory now.

We mixed up some white glue, shaving cream, and white paint for our snow paint.

This is Mr. I Gotta Keep My Hands Clean...but look some paint landed on his thumb and he didn't care!  Yea!

We had to let the tubes dry for a day.

Thank heavens Doodles had a school cancellation on Friday afternoon.  It took all morning to put all the details on.  Lots of cutting, choosing colors and buttons, painting, gluing, and patient waiting.

Hey Joy, do you recognize the snow angel?  Fox River   2008   Ladies Day Out


Anonymous said…
Yep!!! I put my snowman out every year - boy did we do a GREAT job!

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