Ally Comes Back To Play

Wammyville's first ever graduate came to play this week. Her school had a few Snow Days this week and we all were excited to see her!
Girl talk while painting crayon resist snowflakes.

Carter and his masterpiece.

Snowflakes at night...he is into his black phase.

Footprint snowman

What girl doesn't like purple?  She let me know that pink is really her favorite.

Footprint snowman complete with a hat and scarf.

Happy snow family.

And of course Doodles chose purple...monkey see monkey do.

Her hat has flowers.

Another happy family.
(Carter colored his snow family all black)

Bright eyed and bushy tailed

A little dress up going on.
(Hey, Ms Renee, check out their shoes!)

Carter built himself a little cushion pillow tent.  He wasn't feeling to swift...a cold in his head.
I'd say that the day was a success, even if Madi went thru two sets of clothes!  But we've been missing LoucyLouWho and Noodles all week because they are sick.  Darn old weather and germs!  Hopefully we will have a full house next Wednesday!


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