She's Offically Here!

MadiMoo makes her first day in Wammyville and exciting one!

This one seems to think that she will be caring for Madi.  Like changing all her diapers....we had to have a little discussion that she is my helper!

Not real excited about that fact but she'll take what she can get.

checking to make sure everything is secure...Safety First!

She's a little excited to have a new friend.  We call this one the poker!

This one is over the moon excited about this new addition.

As is this little one!

And this is the over excited protective big brother!

This is how we will roll most mornings.  I am going to try to institute the 'Amish' way of caring for and nurturing a house full of kids.  The older ones have daily responsibilities with a little one.  So Doodles will be Madi's main helper (giving Carter a break) and Carter will help the girls...mostly the love of his life, LucyLouWho..  This should be very interesting!


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