WADW #2: Spooky Spider Hats

This one never lets up. "You know what today is Wammy...so what are we going to do for Wack-A-Doo Wednesday?"

With LucyLouWho a close second in wanting to 'paint".  She thinks when we sit down at the table that means that we are going to paint...color...cut...but she calls it paint.

Then there is the littlest one (at the moment) that is a one woman wrecking crew!  I was able to get her spider hat on, get the camera ready, shoot, and take her hat off before she tore it up.  Things don't tend to last long when she is awake.

We have in our midst a write, illustrator, producer, critic, and all things in between.  Doodles wrote a story today about a family that was transformed into a story about Star, a sad little girl that lived all alone in the mud in the forest.  Her only friend was a reindeer.  You just never know what is going on in her little brain.


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