Road Trip With Denise

A few months ago something came across FB about a tour bus, guided tour of the Amish near and around Millersburg.  I was thrilled.  But then I saw the day and cost.  No can do either. So Denise and I developed our own little road trip to 'Amishville'.  Mark and I have made the trip a few times so I had a general idea which back roads to take to find the true Amish, not the commercial ones in all the little shops on the main roads through all the little towns.

We kept watching the skies and prayed for just overcast weather...just please no rain.  Well that didn't happen.  Off and on all day long the rain came down like God was pouring it out of 10 gallon buckets.  But we managed to get some shots.  Had a few little bumps in the road, like Denise forgot to put her card in her camera and my camera was doing strange things.  We decided that aliens were messing with us. (another story for another time).

I love old barns!  We kept hoping one would be pop up around the next curve and be in the middle of a green pasture, with lots of cows all round, topped of with an amazing sky.  Denise might have gotten a few of those.  I stood out in the rain under a big pine tree with lightening and thunder all around to get this shot.  One of the most interesting barns of the day.
Since my camera was acting up (again) I became the lookout.  I love that job!  Buggy coming at us.  Barn on the tight.  Children by the road. Found this barn and the buggies were a big bonus!  Denise took this one.
And she took this one.  I love it that she shares her pics with me!  Not only does she share pics, she share her knowledge of photography.  As always I learned a lot...just hope I can put it to use one day.

We had hoped to get a pic of laundry hanging out.  But like most Amish communities, Monday
seems to be laundry day.  This is all I could find. 
I knew we had to go to lunch in Millersburg at Der Dutchman.  The line was out the door and almost to the end of the front porch when we go in line.  Because the dining room is so large, we didn't have to wait in line for very long.
I love the colors and the quilting in the basket pattern quilt.  And I like how they had it frames.  Gives me some ideas.
I think I saw more buggies this trip than any other.  Denise took this one in the parking lot at the flea market across the street from Leman's in Kidron.  I like the way she edited it.

Speaking of Leham's...I love that place.  I could look at everything twice and then one more make sure I didn't miss anything.  We talked to some very interesting people.  Denise even tried a kale chip. I have been looking for a steamer/simmering pot  for a long time.  I knew Leman's had them because I saw them on line.  Oh but to make the decision when they are right in front of you.  But I am in love with the one I got.  (happy birthday to me)  The steam comes right out the chimney. I have already managed to burn my arm by the steam.  But not to worry.  I have already applied B&W ointment and a burdock leaf and I will be as good as new by tomorrow morning. 
Hey Ms. Renee...look at my treasure!  We stopped at a little shop to ask for directions and this was in a display on the porch.  I asked the lady how much it was and she said $10.99.  I said,
'Denise, hurry and grab it and throw it in the van!'  When I got home and was removing the price tag I noticed that the price tag said $16.99.  I love it.  So Ms. Renee I think I am going to paint it and put it on the front it okay if I 'steal' your idea?
We had a great time and I am ready to go back again.  I've got my eye on a few other things.  But next time I think we might hire a driver, check each others cameras, choose a weekend when it is not going to rain, get better directions, put a hex on the alien activity, and put a big sign on the van that says We Stop And Get Out For Anything Amish.
Thanks Denise for a fun day and sharing all your great shots!


Jan said…
What a great day you had, inspite of the rain. Love all the photos.

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