Rank Advancement Campout

This was a big weekend for the scouts.  They are working hard towards becoming Second and First Class scouts by December. 
Friday evening the weather was perfect.  I wanted so bad to stay and camp...a really perfect camping night!  The woods smelled and felt like fall.

Logan was Grub Master for the Shadow Patrol this campout.  Lucky for the boys there were carts to help transport all the gear,

These four crack me us and keep me smiling.
The spot was beautiful  The camped on a flat top between two revines.  The trees made a wonderful canopy.

Setting up the campsite.

I believe they have it.

Now that the boys have been with this troop for some time, the adults are trying to switch things up and pair tent partners that don't know each other too well.  This is Chris.
So this is how we left them...bone dry and smiling!

And this is how I picked Michael up this morning...soaked to the bone.  Everything..EVERYTHING!!! the child took to the campout was soaked through.  EVERYTHING!, except his poncho that was still in the bag.

It didn't seem that they even cared.  They were still smiling!  And on the way home I even got  a little dialog about what they did.  Let's see...he had some summer sausage, worked on building a campfire, orienteering, took a hike, the bathroom was disgusting (now known and the cave of despair), he cooked pancakes, it was fun, their lantern stayed on all night in the tent (someone forgot to turn it off), and he didn't lose anything or have to borrow anything from anyone else.  (we are making progress)
Just so you know...books can be dried out (or at least that is what YouTube says.)  So now the scout book has paper towels about every 20 pages and I have it in the microwave with the door closed and the surface light on high.  Did you know that it gets really warm in there when the door is closed?  We will see if it dries out or forms mildew by the morning.
I was checking the Troop FB page and ran across some pics...
Look at that nice clean campsite..oh wait is that Michael's tote..left open, no where near the vestibule of his tent.  No wonder there was water standing in it when we unpacked it after the campout.


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