Last Soccer Road Trip

We made our last soccer games road trip to Lexington last weekend. .  They play Upward Soccer.  And they Love it!    Alaire's game went off without a hitch.  A little cold and a lot overcast.  She could have cared less.  It could have been snowing oats and she would have shorts.
For the last game there is a tunnel and a fog machine.  She was so excited!

Her coach better get out of her way...

Going 110%!

And looking good.

Posture just like her Mom at that age.  It is hard to be the tallest one on the a few feet!

This is her BFF soccer style.  They are so fun to watch when they are on the field together.

Congrats after the game.

These are so darn good coaches.  They can herd 'cats' or I mean soccer players better than any two I know.  And looks she got the Golden Boot Award!
When it came time for Ellis's game...rain was coming down and it had turned colder. He was so bummed!

But they were still able to have their pizza party.
Auntie Em always puts a smile on his face.

This boys loves sports.  I have a feeling he will want to play everything that comes down the road for him.

And Ellis also had a great group of coaches.


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