Jammie Day In Wammyville

We decided during breakfast that today would be a Jammie Day.  We still would do everything we usually do, just doing it in a warm, comfy jammies.

Everyone, including me, is thrilled with it!

And we are all looking fine...well all but me but I can bet I am the most comfortable.  And you will not be seeing a pic of that!

We read about 1,000 books a day.  It is my favorite part of the day.  Nothing better that seeing little ones enjoying books.  So much so that Doodles takes her turn reading to the little girls.
And I took all the shots with my pone after installing the new update.  I was told that I would love the improvements to the camera.  I have to say that I am impressed...the shots are clear and the color vivid.  I'm going to try to use it more and post on Instagram.  This could become a problem!


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