Unity Woods Cabin

Our awesome 'Amish' cabin in the woods.

We found a turtle in the road on the way to the cabin.

We liked him a lot.  Don't think the feeling was mutual

Our porch/bedroom

the living room/kitchen

the loft

We even had a black porch where we hung the hammock.
I opted not to cook because it was so darn hot...treated everyone to a special Lunchable and some fruit.

The first fish I caught.  The only one that I was able to get a shot of.  I was just a little busy putting on worms, untangling line,  taking fish off, fixing any and everything that happened.  I saw what was happening so teaching my little fishing buddies how to do things for themselves was in order.

check him out

His first fish.  Just wondering why he holds it that way?

And then comes his second fish!

He could fit two fists in the fishes mouth.  Crazy big!

I wish we could have weighed this big thing.  He (we all) were so excited.
She has one on! 

HUGE !! bluegill

Wammy, can we keep it?

They sat all day.  Then they began to more to different spots on the pond.

Ellis actually caught a turtle (called a slider) with a worm on a hook.
Dinner on the front screened in porch.

Once we finished fishing for the day and had dinner we parked ourselves on the back porch and read Night of The Ninjas from The Magic TreeHouse series.

Alaire chose to sit in the new camp chair.
A chill time

Ready for bed...NOT.  They are actually just checking it out.

And look who showed up after work...Auntie Em!  She even brought chicken from CFL for a midnight snack.

This girl is a fish magnet!

And this boy was up at 4AM wanting to go fishing.  I think we held him off until 7:30AM.

Who knows what she is up to.

Fisher Woman Extraordinaire

His theory...the bigger the worm on the hook the bigger the fish are.

An then there is this awesome way to get the fish off the hook...don't even have to touch them.

He got tired of putting his thumbs in the fishes mouths...they were starting to look like someone cut
Another monster

He loves a big fish!


I took this from the other side of the lake and it is not in focus.  But Emmy is totally amazing!
We had to pack it up and leave our little cabin,  And we took Emmy to Cruiser's.  Just because it was the Fourth of July we had four different deserts and shared them not so equally I might say.  Alaire loved her red velvet cake so much she ate every crumb.

Ellis looking so angelic.

And then there is this...you gotta love her!
Tonight at talk time we decided that next time we go we need a big net and a glove so we don't get so many scrapes. 
We've decided that it would be awesome if we could get enough people to fill all the cabins so we could fish all day and all night.  Have a big campfire and go on all the hikes.
Thanks to Jeff and Cindy for helping to make memories


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