The Nantahala Lake

My view for the day!  Life doesn't get more relaxing than this.

Everybody was all smiles at the beginning!

We paddled on the right side of the mountains all day long.

And this is what he lives for.

Relaxing and letting the wind work for us for awhile. 
Then it was time for a little Hillbilly Yacht Club action.  Snacks and water all around.
We decided that we should probably turn tail and head for home.  To make a long story short...Lewis and Clark followed Pocahontas and we got a little turned around on the lake...I guess you could actually say lost.  Mark finally flagged down a guy in a boat going across the lake and he headed us in the right direction.  I know I will never live this one down!
Dinner on the lake...well, in the van by the lake.

Biggest, meatest hamburger I have ever tried to eat.


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