Look Out Coney Here They Come!

Oh my goodness...the kids thought Sunday would never come.  And I was praying all week for just a break in the weather so they could all go to Coney.  Thanks Jesus my prayers were answered.

Beach hats for everyone.

Well, almost all of them wore their beach hats.  We talked Alaire into wearing one of Michael's hats so her new beach hat would not get lots or torn up.

Ellis has a new beach hat too.  But he wants it so much to be a cowboy hat.

Pappy sporting his new beach hat!
And an extra little treat...Cassie and Trevor met them there and then they all came home to a really great dinner of pork tenderloin, grilled corn, peaches and watermelon, fresh green beans, and some Swiss chard.


Jan said…
They all look so beautiful/handsome in their sombreros. All hats are sombreros!

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