Early Morning Walks With Auntie Em And The Googans

Ellis and Emmy got up every morning before the sun came up and walked to the east most end of the island to watch the sun come up.  And everyday they would bring some type of treasure back.

Ellis found a little hermit crab on this morning.
And bright and early every morning the GOOGAN'S showed up.  If you don't watch the history channel you will have no idea what a googan is.  On one show, Wicked Tuna, there are lots
of googans.   They were on our numbers!
 A googan is...
A fishing term for lowlife, shore(bank) fishermen who baitfish typically without a license, regard to regulations, and etiquette towards other people, especially other fishermen following the rules.
Our googans set up camp right smack dab in the middle of our swimming and sand castle building area.  Right in front of our boardwalk and path over the dunes. Trevor actually swam into one of their fishing lines.  Auntie Em set them straight telling them that we told the kids they were not allowed on the beach while they were there.  They took the hit and moved down the beach the next morning into someone else's spot.


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