Our Little Fawn
Yesterday morning Emmy left and in a few minutes she was back telling me to hurry and bring the camera. Now, I don't move to fast anymore but I was giving it 110% because she sounds like it was something that I was going to want to get shots of. Across the street and up the hill was a fawn sunning in our neighbors flower bed. It was really hard to see because there are only sticks and brown leaves in this flower bed. I ran and got Mr. Bill because I knew that he would want to get pics because I see him out in his yard all the time taking pics of the deer that wonder through.
Mr. John came out and we walked across the street to the edge of the neighbors yard. He figured I could sneak up on it if I stayed behind the trees. So off I went down the hill, across the creek, and back up the other side. At one point I had to take off my squeaky shoes. I hid behind trees. I got low to the ground. I moved like a cat on the prowl. Curt Mann, I felt like a mighty hunter in the woods, you would have been proud. But in all actuality, I probably looked like the village idiot.
Now my knees are starting to pop with every step...dumb old knees. I got so close...and then slowly she raised her head (I am assuming she is a she) and opened one eye and looked straight at me. Then she turned her head and looked me square in the eyes. I thought it was the end. Nope she didn't move. I then sat on a log not six feet from her and talked to her. I asked her where her momma was. And I pleaded with her not to eat our hosta when she got bigger. Then we just sat for the longest time. She got up and moved and I thought she was going to run away but she didn't. Just changed positions. After what seemed like a long time I decided to come back across the street and sit in the driveway to watch her.
I called my Dad and told him about it and he said that her momma probably put her there and would be back for her. Said that it sounded like a perfectly safe place for her. I didn't know that fawn had no odor when they are that small. So we watch her all evening until it got dark. Ms. Renee and I made a plan that if she was still there today we would go to Baker's and get a milk bottle and nipple and bring her home. John would help me catch her and we would feed her so she wouldn't die. And as you can imagine, I did not sleep too well last night. Checking and worrying about her. Then this morning I checked and she was gone. So her momma must have come bake to get her. Wish I could have held her and fed her. Maybe I should put that on my bucket list?