WADW...Cold Water

So today seems like the first day that we have had summer type weather!  Yea...mid 80's!  We haven't made the big ghetto pool purchase yet.  So today we used the next best thing...buckets.  Little buckets...tiny buckets...buckets from the beach size buckets.
But first thing first.  Breakfast with our jammies on backwards.  And look who drinks from a cup in Wammyville!

The resident sword boy chose to be a pirate today.  And all pirates stick their daggers up their noses.

Cool Shades Day at preschool this morning.

Oh the water was so cold it made my cankles ache!

But they didn't seem to care.

You want me to do what?

This is one tired little girl.  Fading fast.

Peanut gallery

"Wammy, this is the best Wack-A-Doo Wednesday EVER!"

And let me just tell you what wonderful naps we had today.  I even got to sit on the porch and talk to Ms Yvonne in WI for a bit.


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