WADW #10

I think on Wednesdays we need a few extra hours in Wammyville. WADW is just not the same with competing with preschool. Seems we are always rushing to get through with lunch and then our fun stuff and then down for a nap.  Makes me tired.
On the fly through the Dollar Spot at Target I picked up this chalk thinking it was colored chalk that we would color with wet chalk on construction paper.

Well turns out it was just white chalk with just a little bit of color on the outside.  Tricks!  They didn't seem to mind one bit.  And the sunshine paper...packing material from something we got in the mail last week.  Score!

Lucy LouWho has decided that she is going to shy away from the camera or run the other direction when she sees it.  And mommy's please don't worry the plastic toys get 'bleached' every night and then in the dishwasher over the weekend.

Oh no, he's turning blue.

They actually play together and talk to each other.

And then we have the little ham bone that comes running when she sees the camera!  I can't imagine why?

New rule in Wammyville...if you poop in the potty you get to play one game on Wammy's phone.  Yea Carter!


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