Scout Work Day

It was an early  was like someone spilt honey and the day for us..8.AM at Finley Ray Park in Milford, OH.  Landscaping was on our to do list.  We wondered why so early?  Well let me just say at about 8:30 it was like someone has spilt honey and the bees came in a swarm.  Soccer games and baseball practice.  Holy cow!

dodging traffic

And ladies and gentlemen, this is how we do it.  It took all I could muster not to jump in and show them how to do it.  Oh so hard.

Second bed a little bit bigger.

Clean up in aisle four.

How many does this make?

Smoothing out the footprints in the mulch by using the Wammy method.

Habitat For Humanity won an auction.  they got the boys as a service project at Finley Ray Park in Milford.

the church that holds the charter for the Boy Scouts had a rummage sale.  It was the boys job to come and help clean up.

That meant moving tables and chairs back to their original positions.

It didn't seem much like work at all.  they had a blast!

The head guy, Mr Barringer, knows how to use a vacuum.

And the best part of the day...Logan got to come home with us for the evening!

Logan's sister Monica...she's a little goofy too!


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