My Little Blue Bracelet

I have a new friend.  she is a friend of a friend...actually she is Noodle's and Doodle's Grammy's friend.  Her name is Paula and she makes bracelets.  Now I am not usually a bracelet person.  Well, maybe  I own a few of this parachute survival cord bracelets.  But this is a real grown-up bracelet.  You know, one that you wear when you get out of your everyday jeans and t-shirt.

I am ashamed to show you this shot because it does not do justice to the bracelet. But I wanted to share it with you.

Paula and I exchanges messages of FB and I told her that I love cobalt blue. You know like all the blue bottles that are in my first bottle tree. I wanted the bracelet to represent some of the things that I love.

Cameras for sure were the first things on the list.

gardening tools and flowers

babies bottles for sure

scissors for quilting
I'm thinking that Grammy may have had a little something, something to do with all the special charms.  I love my new big girl bracelet.
If you would like to get in touch with Paula...find her on FaceBook...Paula Horn.  Tell her Wammy sent you.


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