Michael, The Author And Illustrator

I am such a proud Mom!  I love the story and each time I read it I find something new to chuckle about.  Michael is a old soul in a boys body.
Cinderella in Scotland
written and illustrated by Michael Ellis

The dedication made me cry.  Usually he doesn't give here the time of day.

Be sure to check out the mad eyebrows and the conversation bubbles.

Hope is gone...there is no hope (he says that all the time)

Hmm...5 o'clock...must be an early night for the King.

I like the gas station for the horse drawn carriage.
'melting away like butter on toast'...where does he come up with this kind of stuff?

bad news all around
Now I am wondering just how did they get married?  Guess that must be the sequel.

I love it!  Maybe I will find somewhere to send it to have it actually made into a hard cover book for him.  Keeping the original in his file so one day when, I am really, really old I can pull it out and embarrass him...because I am really good at that so I am told.
BTW...his grade...97%!


Jan said…
How Wonderful. We have one from on of the grandkids. Do a google search, here's just one: http://paisleepress.com/2012/04/mini-masterpieces-the-photobook/

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