Longbranch Farm and Trail...Woodpecker Trail

After church the fam took the rest of the day to enjoy the great weather.  Off to walk the last of the trails at Longbranch Farm.  Just before entering the gate I saw what I though were buzzards.  But on second look they were turkeys.  One big tom and several females.

Then I got all excited thinking we were seeing lots of bluebirds in the nesting boxes.

Nope...just a bunch of barn shallows shaking their tail feathers.

These three are for you Saffi.

A cardinal.  We heard lots of birds and Emmy found that she has a hidden talent.  We now call her the bird whistler.   

This is the one and only shot I got of a woodpecker.

Spring is popping out all over.

Peep, I took this one for you.

Who lives here?

Something big lives here for sure!

Hey Dan and Joy...he now takes precautions.

As we were leaving we say this hawk, and yes Cassie, I think it might be a red-tailed hawk, carrying a snake.

Ellis, you should have seen it.

Since we didn't see too many woodpeckers on our hike, I camped out in the backyard to see if I could get a shot or two.  And this little fellow shows up.  Yea.
I love being old!


Joy said…
Phew!!! Glad precautions are now being taken!!

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