It's That Time Of Year...
...when I rev up the old sewing machine and think of something creative to do with t-shirts for the Luke Simon Memorial Ride.
The ride will be held in Huntington, WV (my home sweet home) and you will be able to hear the thunder of hundreds of Harley-Davidson bikes roaring thru the street and back roads of WV. Mark your calendars for May 18th.
Karen sent a box full of t-shirts. Lots of larger sizes this year.
She wants them to be about 2 feet by 3 feet. I think I can come pretty close to that.
Lots of different Harley shops and rides represented.
Planning something different for this one. Love how it represents Charlie's, the gathering spot, Huntington, where it is held, and Marshall's kelly green! I love my little city!
I will be posting pics of the finished products on my sewing blog...Pressing My Seams Open.