Friday All To Herself

Lucy LouWho got to spend a day in Wammyville alone this week.  Carter was with Grandma because she was on Spring Break and they have worked really hard on potty training.  (And from what I understand it has great success).  Doodles and Noodles get to have Grammy Day each Friday.
A little bit sad that she had no friends to play with.  But little did she know what we were going to do.  Pappy took us to Bob's for breakfast.  She was a hit with all the customers.  Then we had a few 'creative' errands to run.  Didn't have much luck there.  So we decided to hit the trail back to Wammyville.

No playing inside today.  We just put on our jackets and hit the driveway.

Carter better watch out because I think he might have a little mower competition this year.

Oh no, someone has discovered the flowers.  That's okay.  When have always said we were growing kids not flowers.  They will grow back.

And this green stuff...what is it called again?  Grass?

I think I'm liking this day!

Ella needs to go for a walk.  And I can help with that.

What happens when I pull the yellow stuff off this flower?
We had a great bonding day!  It is nice to be able to spend the day one on one with the yahoos!  But we missed the rest of the gang and Monday can't come soon enough.


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