Wacky From The Get Go

Well, the weather started out really wacky...in 5 minutes we got an inch of snow in top of a rain/ice mix. I knew the day was going to be a crazy one.

Things just aren't the same...not the same as last year when we had all day to do WADW things  and I didn't need 8 arms to do everything.  I'm not complaining, not one bit, just trying to justify the pretty lame WADW activities that we seem to be trying to do.

Pulled this old one out of the preschool hat...when all else fails, string something.
That is the last Fruit Loop that got on Carter's string.  He decided to eat most of his...but at least he asked. 

Ok, finished with that...what else are we going to do?
She was so excited about he almost filled ribbon.  Then a terrible thing happened.  Ella found it in her bag and ate it...even the ribbon!  But don't fret...we made another one and hid it from the dog.

The little girls sit and eat peas.

And talk to each other.

While Carter thinks it is the most hilarious thing to show me his see-food.

Wacky Wednesday wouldn't be wacky without some wacky hair.

She loves a good Wacky Doo!


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