Snowbirds In March

Yep it is March and we got another snow...they say it will be the last for the season.  Doesn't bother me I LOVE the snow.  As a matter of fact we must be doing the most powerful snow dances on the block...only because we have a new mystery component to our snow dance ritual.  We do the regular snow dance.  Then flush three ice cubes down each and every toilet in the house.  (good thing Ellis and Alaire were here to help)  Oh, and pj's are inside out and backwards.  Then the mystery component...sleeping with a spoon under your pillow.  We did the dance and it was pouring snow  15 minutes later..  I just love when it works out that way. You should have seen how big their eyes were when I told them to look outside to see the huge flakes!
Before going to work the birdman put out new seed.



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