SNOW DAY...The Best Day Ever!

And this is just part of the crew.  We woke up early and shoveled our driveway.  We figured it was slick because Mark took out half of the forsythia at the bottom because he slid down backwards.  Then we headed to Ault Park to meet up with Annie and her boys, Emmy and her kids, and Kate and her kids.

Ellis was like a missile.

This is the only shot that Alaire was giving today.

Ernie had a great time until he ran into his sister and scraped his neck.

Saffi and Alaire are two peas in a pod.

Fiona loves the snow even if she gets a face full every time down the hill.

Annie has some interesting form.

Danny doesn't shy away from the camera and I love it.

Andrew was a little trooper hauling all the way up the big hill every time.

We took three sleds, one tube and one snowboard.  Michel wanted so bad to conquer the hill on the snowboard and he did!

All of Max's shots are jsut a little blurry...he moved so fast up and down the hill all day long.

Kate's Vivi was out youngest snow angel.

After someone hit the bushes we gave a crash course in how to prevent any other injuries.

They all went down and came up smiling ready to go again.

Nearing the end of the trip.

Ellis and Michael played in the bushes.

Last ride of the day for Cassie.

Then we all went to lunch at Saffi, Ernie, and Fiona's house.


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