Michael's Mishap

Since  crossing over to Boy Scouts, Michael has had to take on more responsiblllities in his Patrol.  The latest is Grub Master for his Patrol. They came up with a menu and tonight he has to go shopping for everything they will need for the weekend.  Since this is our first roedo someone is coming with us to show us just waht we need to do.
This is Michael's first attempt at making pancakes on his own.

This long burn is the result of reaching to turn the eye on the stove off and letting your arm come in contact with a really hot skillet.  The burn is as long as the Burdick leaf.  You might be wondering...what on earth.  Well, it is an Amish remedy for burns and wounds.  Some B&W  ointment covered by a Burdock leaf.  As a result of my quick thinking  and my Amish medical know-how....Michael's arm never blistered!  The burn went away in about three days.  But the way we had to wrap his arm, you would have thought that he really did something horrible.  But to keep everything in place I had to use an ACE bandage...one problem...the only one we had was 6 inches wide.  I gave his teachers a heads up so they wouldn't call CPS.


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