Mammoth Cave Adventure...Shadow Patrol

(I will spare you from viewing all 110 shots...The Shadow Patrol is featured here)

Mammoth Cave Camp Out...Horse Cave Adventure
Hidden River Cave

Scout trailer loaded to the brim and maybe a little overloaded weight wise.

After a three and a half hour drive all the camping gear made it...and our adventure begins.

Dinner of BTN consumed after getting tents up and things stowed.

Assistant Patrol Leader, Luke, prepared for the temps in the high 30's for our night.

Mr Smith ans the newest Eagle Scout in Troop 468 preparing breakfast of breakfast burritos.

Gearing up for some awesome caving at Horse Cave.

A small section of our campsites.  I believe it was 30 scouts and 10 adults.
I was the only Mom and let me just tell you how hard it is to be an invisible Mom to my three sons!

burrito folding lesson

Michael loving every bite.

Some opted for eggs and bacon.

Taking care of business

Shadow Patrol's first lesson if cleaning and care of cast iron.

Everyone takes care of their own things. Doing dishes was never more fun!
(Michael did his with his gloves on)

Peggy, our cave tour guide. She shared interesting stories and facts with us along the way.  And she was very impressed with all of our boys!  She also had two fellow cavers, Les and his friend Ron.

Almost ready to go down under to get dirty in some cave crawling.

Jordan getting his light.

Our most senior caver.  But he is not the oldest to have been thru Hidden River Cave,  Guess we will have to come back in a few years to capture that honor.

Grub Master, Michael and Patrol Leader, Wyatt.

Group1 with our cave faces on.  Before our caving adventure began we climbed down around 233 steps.  All I could think of was...we gotta come back up all these steps!

The end of a long and hard caving experience.  This is what you look like after caving about 2 miles in 3 1/2 hours!  We all were beat.  We are not as young as we use to be.

This trip even wore the most active out!

There were a few sections where we crawled that he thought we would never return alive.  But we are all here to tell about it.  And the stories we can tell!  Floyd was with him all the way.

Shadow Patrol, all accounted for and ready to rock the campsite.

Mr Smith taking a break.

I wish I had thought to get a waterproof camera to take in with me.  It was amazing... tee pee rock, Dracula's coffin, the hidden river, the domes, the waterfalls, the little brown bats, the nooks and crannies we put our bodies thru and of course, the devil of a staircase leading up to lunch!

Foil dinner prep.

I'm kinda liking this invisible mom thing.

Creating masterpieces in foil.

Campfire building 101 by Connor.

Can you smell the onions cooking?  Makes my mouth water.  For dessert we had peach cobbler cooked in a dutch oven.

packing up

cleaning up


Not two minutes after pulling out of the campsites, one of the tires blew on the trailer.  Told you it was a heavy load.  We were only about 30 late to our pick up spot.

And this my friends is what a great weekend looks like!

We had a great time and would do it again.  The boys were great!  I just need to work on being a little more invisible.  I might take a book the next time I go with the Shadow Patrol.  I just might be able to get use to standing on the sidelines and enjoying some me time.  But it will take awhile.

And remember...what happens in the cave stays in the cave.


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