Carter Turns Three Today

Looks like a party to me!

pappy even got to come to have lunch with the birthday boy.

'Hurry up already with the singing!'

And he huffed.  And he puffed.  And he blew his candles out!

Noodles loved wearing her party hat.

Doodles just loves a good party!

And little Miss Sassy Pants had a good time watching all the from her big girl seat.

The Wammy technique...pinch and pull.

This boy loves a good cupcake.  His favorite part and the only part he will eat is the frosting.

See, what did I tell you!

He is reading the letters in his name.

I apologize now for all the bruises that are coming to his opponents in the future battles that are going to take place.

Best looking Red Ninja in the house.
(He slept in it all afternoon)

I think he enjoyed himself because in between battles number 103 and 104 he told me that he loved me and that this was the best birthday ever!  Made my heart sing!
Happy Birthday to my best buddy!


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