Not Such A Happy Camper

Our appointment with the eye doctor finally arrived! Excited about getting to sleep late and miss a little bit of school...not so excited about the outcome. 
At Michael's last Peds appointment back at the end of the year, we were told that we should take him to get a good eye exam.  Mind you that he never mentioned anything about not being able to see the board at school.  So, off the boys headed to the eye doctor.  This is the pic that Mark text me after the appointment.  It only got better!

After school we headed to get some new glasses.  I am told that I can not tell him how smart or handsome he looks.  He really didn't care what they looked like.  Just pick them out and let's get out of is waiting.

Pickup the next night was a little better.  I managed to get almost a smile.  A little CFL helped ease the pain.

We talked about what were were going to do and came up with a plan...practice wearing, cleaning and storing them until Monday morning...then it is off to school with a new set of eyes. Last night to my astonishment, he told me that he thought he would wear them to scouts.  I about swallowed my tongue!
 I pray that on Monday no one notices his new look.  He absolutely despises any attention that comes his way.  I think scouts was a dry run for him.  He feels really comfortable with the adults and his friends there...and no one made a big deal about it.  Thanks you Jesus!  Pray that Monday goes as well.


Jan said…
Micheal is, unintentionally, too funny. I think he'll love his glasses, but may not admit it; it's so great to be able to see. I've worn mine since I was 8.

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