Christmas 2012

Let's see, let me count the number of Christmases we had this, two, three, four, five, wait it is SEVEN!  That has got to be some kind of record!  And all in four make that five days!

Christmas Eve Eve in Cincinnati (our Christmas with Porche)
Christmas Eve Morning (our Christmas with Michael and Santa)
Christmas Eve church (with the Oakes in Lexington, KY)
Christmas Morning (with Ellis, Alaire, and Santa in KY)
Christmas Day (with 26 of the Ellis bloods in Huntington, WV)
Day After Christmas (with the Meadows side in Huntington, WV)
Still to be held...Christmas with Bryce and Tini
Christmas Eve Eve
Family tradition...the youngest is the gift-passer-outer.

Porche and her little boy baby bump getting lots of baby related things.

This is one boy that would be happy with whatever he opens.

So far these are the Ellis girls that are in town...Porche, a long lost foster daughter that is going to make me a Wammy once again in the spring!  Emmy, the resident daughter and Sarah, who traveled the farthest...all the way from Louisiana.


Listening to travel instructions.  This is a big issue because you see before you a real home body!
A few years ago someone had the foresight to get a recording of Mamaw and Papaw reading the Christmas Story.  Ellis and Alaire love it so much.  And the rest of us cherish it!  I am seeing a new tradition added to the list of others during our KY Christmas.
Ellis is really into telling jokes these days.  Another tradition is...Mark and I get Ellis and Alaire (and now I guess baby-to-be Isaiah) an ornament.  This year we found Ellis a nutcracker that cracks jokes...perfect.  He loved it!

Alaire is now taking piano lessons.  Perfect little piano that plays a choir singing Go Tell It On The Mountain for her.

Alaire just couldn't wait for Cassie to open one of her gifts.

Speaking of piano playing girl...I made her a new piano book bag...complete with some bling...cause you know Alaire loves her some good bling.

Oh so sweet!

One next to the last tradition...after Christmas Eve Service, we alljump in the van and go to the fire station to sing along with the music and watch light show.

Sitting in the way back enjoying the show.

I got a call from Ellis reminding me to bring Magic Reindeer Food.  Of course, you can't go to bed on Christmas Eve if you don't leave cookies for Santa, carrots for the reindeer and Magic Reindeer Food on the lawn.

Things look so nice a calm...but believe me when the gifts from Uncle Bryce and Tini were opened...let's just say that the war began...marshmallow shooters for all the kids complete with two bags of mini marshmallows per gun.  Maddie loved it!
Papaw and Mamaw with Carter...the fifth great grand child

Tyler (Terry's oldest son) with his youngest

Sabrina (Tyler's wife) and their oldest, Tristan.

Corey (Alex's boyfriend), Alex (Lisa's daughter) holding Carter, Lisa and Terry

Alaire playing with Tristan.

Mamaw and Papaw checking the back of Old Faithful.  Old Faithful has had the original paper and bow for more than 55 years.

This year it was supposed to be Tyler and Bryce.  But Bryce and Tini were celebrating the holidays in Florida with her family so Bryce got bumped out and Emmy slid in. (Oh, that means one more Christmas Celebration when Bryce and Tini get back)

The Oakes Family providing a little entertainment with reciting Luke 2:1-20...all of them know every single word. 

Tristan giving Curt (Katelyn's husband) a few requests.

Scarlett got a new baby doll.

Curt playing

Terry and Lisa with Trevor...their baby.

Alaire got to hold Carter.  And was thrilled to death about it.
And I must give kudos...lots and lots of Terry and Lisa for fixing the biggest and best Christmas Day dinner ever!  All of every one's favorites!
Trevor and Maddie checking out the ballgame from Peep's chair.

Not sure but Cassie doesn't like something...maybe me having the camera in her face.

Peep and Betty (his lady friend) opening gifts from Michael.

Kenny, I must say that you are wasting away.  And Molly are you taking notes from Cassie about posing for pictures?

A new light to take to Canada.

Stitch was not really impressed with anyone or anything.
And our Christmas would not be complete without a meat tray and my sister making our Nanny's peanut butter fudge.
After lunch and visits we had to hit the dusty trail because there was a winter storm warning.  Been there, done that one too any times.  About 30 minutes from home we hit the storm head on. But managed to make it home safely.



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