Wack-A-Doo Wednesday #6

Something is wrong with this pic?   Wammy, not again?  Please!
 Our specail days like Wach-A-Doo Wednesdays or Fun Frieday aren't the same since Doodles started preschool.  After we drop Doodles at school, we have to rush back to get started on our fun stuff.  We work until it is time to go get her and then we get to do it again with her after lunch.  Kinda crazy I know but don't have any ideas on making it work more smoothly.

I don't know about you but I always work with my goggles on.

Look who has teeth and now sports a tutu!

Check him out..Lowe's and Home Depot!

She is mobile and into everything.  Lucy Lou is even starting to pull up and has figured out that the vanity shouldn't be used as a pull up station.

This is one happy camper!

And round two of Wack-A-Doo Wednesday begins...newspaper ghosts and toilet paper bats.

And just a little time left to play with some pumpkin spice playdough.

He thinks this is where he is going to take his nap.


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