Empty Bowls 2012
This is the second year that we have participated in the Empty Bowls Project.
The Clay Alliance holds this benefit for Kids Cafe...wich is a program of the Freestore Foodbank which began in 1996. It is a national program of Feeding America.
By serving more than 8,400 hot, after school meals per month at 19 locations, Kids Cafe provides the last meal of the day for children who might otherwise go hungry outside of school.
The churches, school and community centers that host Kids Cafe sites ensure that the area children get the nutrition that they need to learn and to grow.
The meals served at Kids Cafe sites are prepared by adult students of the Freestore Foodbank's Cincinnati COOKS! culinary training program.
Kids Cafe recognizez that it is not enough to just feed proper meals to hungry children. In addition, they teach the importance of healthy food choices and maintaining good hygiene, organize participation in recreational and socail activities, and give mentoring where needed, especially in assistance with homework. from flier given to each person participating.
There are several tables filled with all sorts of bowls to choose from.
Different shapes, sizes and forms.
The soup line.
The dessert table.
Michael checking the indgredients of his chicken noodle soup.
different musical artists
Always a good find here.
I chose a bee dish this year...somthing a little different.
Mark's choice this year.
Michael always finde the most unique bowl with texture.
Emmy got a bowl but I was unable to get a picture of it.