Wack-A-Doo Wednesday #3...

...or red camera dump.  I am in camera withdrawal.  I had to send my D5000 in to be serviced and it is going to take awhile to get it back.  But I do know it made it to its destination and some of the problems are covered under the warranty and some are not.  So that is good news and bad news.  So I have been using Emmy's camera from high school....which is proving to be a challenge.

So another Wack-A-Doo Wednesday has come and gone...without much fanfare.  It is just not the same as Fun Friday and we miss Allyson so very much.  I have even tried to talk her into coming once and awhile and she wants to stay at school.  She loves school.  I mean really LOVES school!  I guess we are just chopped liver now.

We started out the morning with some old plates...the dump truck plate that Michael had when he was into dump trucks and the hula girls plate that Emmy got for Sarah when we lived in WI.  Some vintage stuff for sure.    Marli got a ponytail that was in four different sections. Then to top off the morning we went a different way to preschool.

Lucy Lou doesn't care what day it is...as long as she has someone to talk to and kids to play with, she is a happy camper.  Even with a bad cold (evidence shinny on her cheek), she smiles from ear to ear.

This is our new friend Zane.  He is such a good boy.  He gets to come and play every once in a while while Pat is here.

Carter is not to sure about Zane.  He is comin' in on his territory and it is a little hard to understand that boy toys need to be shared.

Today we are painting on the bottom side of mini cupcake tins with Q-tips.  Never any real painting around here.

After you paint you get to press.  And I can't believe I forgot to get a shot of the finished product.

Can you see those wheels turning...I would love to know what he is thinking.  He loved the painting.

And the pressing.

Lucy Lou even got in on the painting.  You can never start them to young.  She was really into the pressing...well pounding the paper in her case.

We also worked on recognizing the first letters of all of our names (which they are getting really good at) and the sounds that they make.  Teachable moments everywhere.  That was so much fun that we finished up painting (with all the color on a pink paper for girls and a blue paper for boys) with about a million Q-tips.  We even discovered some new colors that we made by mixing the paint.


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