Oh Happy Day

On really warm days we love to play in water.  Today we just let the plants play in the water.  Everyone has their own watering bottle which we sill up 900 million times during the day.  The Sarah Beth Garden is going to be the best flower bed in the yard because of all the watering!

Doodles takes care of the bushes.

Allyson had the flowers covered.

And Carter likes to water the dirt.

He sure does look cute doing it!

After all that hard work we were up for some driveway bowling!

A little color sorting...

lots of loading...

a little bit of bottle shoot target practice...

some der der tube singing...

some tent building...

some lunch for the hungry monsters...

and some good sleeping out int the backyard under the tent.  I used to do this when I was a little girl all the time.  I am thinking that the neighborhood yahoos and I should do this one night this summer.

First one to sleep...

last one to almost sleep...go figure.

When Allyson woke up from her nap she told me that right before she fell asleep she saw an eagle...aka turkey buzzard.


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