On A Whim

We were supposed to have some very special company this weekend but we have to reschedule their visit for another time. I am soooooo bummed! So on a whim we got in the van, got it gassed up and filled with on the road snacks and headed for the Louisville Zoo.  Since we are members of the Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Gardens, we get in half price.  Not bad!   On the way down we tried to get in touch with Teresa, a friend from WI, but they were busy and couldn't make it.  Guess that is what you get when you go on a whim.  We had a great time and here is a mass of pictures to prove it...sorry!

Lovely shot of me and my zoo buddy.

The line to get in was ridiculously long!  It snaked for a good mile I would say.  But they had a bout 8 windows open so it wasn't a bad wait.

We put Michael in charge of navigation.  He got us thru the zoo using the vending machines as landmarks.  "Thank you Ms Powers for teaching me about landmarks." 

Looks like he might need a little lesson on tusk brushing...I think I see some plaque buildup.

Thought of you when I saw this Ms Renee.  they have about 6 giraffes.  You would be in heaven!

Lots of signs to help us stay away from nesting geese throughout the zoo.

Mark and Michel ready every plaque and tell me all the information while i am trying to get just that right shot.

Indian elephant

African elephant

I have always thought that the camel carries extra water in it's hump.  Not so...it is just fat.

This is a mountain zebra.  Did you know there were two different kinds?  Something about a little flap of skin under their necks.

I think he is looking for someone to come so he can ask for permission to go home with me.

He looks like such a sad little monkey.

Just sitting there this little lemur just cracks me up...airing it out I guess.

Check out those claws!

Such a sad gorilla.  They were all in their glass houses today.

Not much to do in there.

I didn't realize that their feathers had black ends.

Michael's favorite animal...the ocelot.

These eagles were in just a regular area like the four legged animals are...not 'caged' to keep them from flying away.  But by looking at them we could tell that they had some type of injury and were unable to fly.

King Louie!

a star shelled tortoise

We had a great day!  And to top off the day we found out that a friend I grew up with in the summers on vacation at Dale Hollow Lake in Tennessee lives not 10 minutes from the zoo.  We stuck the address in the GPS and were on our way hoping he would be home.  But no such luck.  I know he was probably on his houseboat on the lake, it was just too beautiful not to be there.  We left a not and hopefully come Monday morning I will hear back from him.


Jan said…
Jan, you got some fantastic photos. I'd be at a loss to choose a favorite. Awesome day.
Teresa said…
I am so sad we missed you. Too bad I had to be home at a certain time to get Josiah off the bus otherwise I could have made it. Let me know next time you are coming in town I will do my best to meet up with you.

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