KY Road Trip

We were going to Natural Bridge to go hiking but the weather turned wet and cold so we opted for a road trip to Mammoth Cave, KY to do a little spelunking!  We needed to do something outside since it was Earth Day!

Van packed to the gills...check.  Everyone with something electronic...check.

The navigator

This guy was a volunteer and he knew everything you would want to know about all the trees on this table and more.  He was very nice and very knowledgeable.  

He and MArk spent a long time talking about anything growing.  We can home with lots of written information and some seeds also.

Ellis and Alaire had fun making origami bats.

Michael of course read everything that was written!

Waiting for our tour...

Our guide.  It was actually her last tour at Mammoth Cave National Park.

Headed in.

A nice boardwalk was added since we were there many, many years ago.

Actual writing on the cave walls.

Some places you really had to get down low.

Trevor had to be really careful in many places.

My fear, along with the heights thing.  There is a little story right before Fat Man's Misery.  Someone, who shall remain nameless, didn't take a potty stop before the hike like they were asked.  So just before Fat Man's Misery there was a little chat with the guide....but you will never guess how 'it' is done.  I'd tell you but I was told..."Mom, what happens in the cave, stays in the cave."  All I can tell you that there is a paper funnel and a  plastic bag involved.

This is what we were looking for..stalactites.

Looking out!  We made it and all heads were counted for.

The bio-security mat

The 'almost' birthday girls...

with the crazies!

We don't get to have them together in pictures very often.


Cassie took this with her phone mounted on her new little tripod.  It was pretty cool.

We had a great time and hopefully will be able to go back someday and explore more of the cave system.

Driving we saw deer and turkey.


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