I Tried So Hard

It is that time of year again where I am itching to get out and dig in the dirt and pull weeds.  This year I am prepared with new hand-me-down garden jeans and long sleeved t-shirts from Sweet Pap and new garden gloves from Mark.  I have to cover as must exposed skin as I can so that little poison ivy monster can't attack me.  When I was little I had to get a shot every week.  Now it is trips to the Urgent Care down the street.

The first days of Spring Break we spent working in Cassie's yard in Lexington.  I was covered except for that one time that the ants attacked up and I kept having to move my gloves and sleeves to kill the biting little buggers.  Guess that's when it happened because I had two little itchy places on the insides of my wrists.  Now it is full blown up my right arm, a little on my left and on the hairline on my forehead.

Lizzie and I share this book...by sharing I mean she has a copy and I have a copy and we share treatments of illnesses.  Some of the stuff is a little out there but I thought I would look up what you were supposed to do for poison ivy before I made the trip down the street and spent next weeks grocery money.

Taken from page 154...Vinegar for Poison Ivy...Our family declares that it has cured poison ivy every time.  They just apply liberal amounts of 100% apple cider vinegar to the affected area whenever it begins to itch.  It stops the itching and clears it up in no time.  this makes sense to me since the acid probably deals with the oils, and I would try this remedy.

So that is exactly what I have been done for the last couple of days.  Last night I even drenched a papertowl and slid it up my long sleeves. (I have found it a good idea to sleep in long sleeves to help prevent the spread.  Now during the day I will be able to wear short sleeves to give the ivy and vinegar a little breather.  My right arm loos a little rough and a lot dry but it is working.  There is no oozing as in the times before.

There is also a recipe for Rescue Oil...Mix 1/3 cup of each...burdock, comfrey and plantain herb mixture in a small saucepan and cover with extra virgin olive oil.  Simmer until herbs are crispy (about 1-2 hours).  Strain.  Add 5 drops of lavender oil (acts as a preservative) for each ounce of oil extract.  Use as needed and watch healing take place.

Don't seem to have any of those herbs on hand.  Maybe next time I am out to the farm I can see if they have any to share.


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