Handyman Activity Pin

Had the Yahoos here all day.  Mark and I then worked in the yard until it was about five minutes before scouts started.  So we loaded up Michael's bike, a can of WD40 and some tools.  And this is what we learned to do.
Checking the air pressure and pumping up the tires.  All went well until the pump thingy got locked on the tire valve thingy and when I wanked on it ...well, lets just say that we have to go to the bike store for the replacement.  Which they will be doing for us!

Our Den Leader giving some instruction on lubricating the chain.

Wiping off the drips and runs.

We all graduated to the car.  First we had to check the tire pressure.  Anyone know where they keep the spare?

Checking the oil

Still more checking

We learned a lot...our tires we low...all of them.  As well as the oil.  And we are still looking for that spare tire.


The Oakes said…
now that is comical!

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