Fun Friday The 13th

For Carter it turned out to be a bad Friday the 13th. He was home really sick...sick enough to go to the doctor's office.  So we started our day off with just a little bit of laundry, toy playing and then we hit the bricks for a very full Fun Friday!  Our first stop was the Dollar Store to buy some bubbles.

I gave the girls the choice between the dinosaur park of the park with all the bridges.  They chose the park with all the bridges.  It is Pattison Park in Owensville. 

It is a 43 acre park that was donated by Alethea Pattison.

There are many 'bridges' which are actually boardwalks located on the hiking trail in low spots.  Doodles was in charge of finding them.  At each bridge we stopped to blow bubbles.  First stop...Bubble Blowing 101.

And then Bubble Catching 101.

Allyson was in charge of finding the signs.  Throughout the trail there are signs telling about the different trees.  Information learned...The wood is used in making pencils.

We learned that the white ash is a very strong tree.  King Arthur and his band of merry men made weapons from them.  Today anything that can be hit is usually made from white bats, tennis rackets, hockey sticks...

We met several friends (over the age of 65 I am positive) walking the paved 1/4 mile trail and the trail thru the woods.  One man told us that there is a retired man and his grandson that come and drop field corn several places along the trail for the animals.  He says that e has seen deer, all kinds of birds, raccoons and squirrels eating the corn.  I saw little girls gather it up and put in their pockets.

The weather forecasting tree...when a storm is coming the leaves will blow backyards and show the silver underneath side.

Tree of medicine...cough medicine...Luden's black cherry cough drops

It's the vine not the tree.

Also known as the Indiana banana.  One of the ingredients in meat tenderizer is made from pawpaws.  I noticed that there were a few blossoms.  We will be coming back here to check them put periodically.  I love pawpaw cookies.

Way back i 1613 London, England used the American elm as underwater pipes because the wood cam be submerges without rotting.  300 years later when the pipes were dug up many were still intact.

Some that King Arthur had his Round Table made of pin oak.

This is one of our new friends, Lucy.  She walks three miles everyday with her owner.  He is the one that told us about the grandfather and the field corn.

A perfect place for a picnic!

Lots of posing statue stumps.

Those are their walking sticks.  They told me I needed one because I was old.

The very last thing we did at the park was to play on every inch of the swings and climbers.  And even a bit of bubble blowing practice from the top of the slide.

And don't we all always were our shoes this way when we pay in the park?

The 'magic picture' because I am in it.

We always do a 'best last thing'.  Then they know we are loading up and going home for a nap.  Allyson's best last thing today was the curly slide...going down on her back.

Doodles wanted to d the monkey bard for her best last thing.  Hard to take the shot and hold her up at the same time.

Smelling the flowers in the rain garden. Beautiful and functional, rain gardens make use of native plants and soil to manage storm water runoff. Loose, absorbent soil in a shallow bowl shape will collect the rainwater running off your roof, driveway, and other hard surfaces. Perennial native plants will help absorb the water, and the sand and soil will filter out pollutants.

Last stop UDF for some ice cream.  Blue Moo Cookie Dough with 5 cherries on top for Allyson.

Rainbow sherbet for wonky eye girl.

And a nap together in Wammy's bed to end the best day ever!


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