
I can let the cat out of the bag.  Actually Doodles did that awhile ago.  It was the funniest thing.  Doodles was playing, having a good time, and all of a sudden out of the blue she says that here Mommy has a baby in her tummy.  If you know Doodles you would probably think she is just talking and making things up (what we call using your imagination)...she does that a lot!    After about three more comments about the baby in her Mom's tummy I decided to text Mommy!  At the same time I text Daddy to let them both in on the story that was going around.  It wasn't very long before there was a knock on the front door...Mommy and Daddy showed up to set the record straight!  Yes it is true...Doodles is going to be a big sister just like Allyson at the end of summer.  I'd say that next fall this house will be rocking off the foundation with 5 little ones running around.  Poor garbage men...lots of stinky diapers.  On the other hand...I will be in Wammy Heaven.

Don't get too's only one baby.  When I saw this pic I had to laugh...looks like we are announcing twins.  

And the rest of the story...this is priceless.  So when you ask Doodles if she is going to have a baby brother or baby sister she looks you straight in the eyes, cocks her little curly head, flashes those bright eyes and says, "It's up to God.''  Then she goes to the nearest window and looks up in the sky and has a conversation with God about her baby sister that is going to come. "Right God?"



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