Cassie's Backyard Markover

It is the beginning of something big...bigger than we could tackle in a few days.  But at least we got started!

Cassie has chosen this little piece of dirt as her vegetable/flower garden.  I even added in a little compost pile for her.

First we had to tackle the weed and grass growing right next to the fence line.
Wouldn't any kid give their new puppy for that play set to be in their backyard.  It is one of two.

Ellis on search of sticks.

And he found a bunch.  I let him get in the wheelbarrow and I wheeled him back to the house.  Really a treat.  He was grinning from ear to ear when we showed up with his load of sticks.

I was to busy and to dirty to get some better shots using the good camera so I snapped these with my phone.  This one was at the end of the day and I could hardly raise my arms above my head.  We transplanted some hosta, iris, lamb's ear, and mums.  Along the fence we planted several different kinds of sunflowers...Ellis's favorite!...Cassie even got a blackberry bush. I can see it now...they won't make it into the house when to they start getting ripe. There will be some zucchini and yellow squash along with some banana peppers for her awesome salsa.  A little later on a few tomato plants will be added.    She had already planted some peas and they are beginning to pop up thru the dirt.

Alaire helped gather worms and plant the herb garden.

Then it was backyard demo the overgrown honeysuckle, vinca vine and I am sure poison ivy.

I guess because we were raising such a ruckus with all the noise from the hedger, we got to meet two of the cutest little boys, Noah and Grayson.  They live behind the honeysuckle, the dog and kid run and the fence.

I'd say it was a pretty decent start to an all summer project.  There are still weed to kill and and rocks to find for the path but we are off to a god start.  Trevor trimmed the bushes and cut the grass.  We even had time to clean up the edging Cassie had done around the front flower bed.  We planted some Scarlet O'Hara morning glories and a cardinal climber vine to grow up the front metal trellises.

Next we build and fill window boxes.

Wonder how long it will take before I am at the doctor's office getting meds for poison ivy?  I took all gloves, long sleeves and long pants.   But I know it it was lurking in the weeds, I will have it.,


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