An After Dark Easter Egg Hunt

I am always looking for something fun and different to do with any kids that happen to be at our house.  Tonight Michael, Ellis and Alaire got to experience a real first....hunting Easter eggs that glow in the dark...after dark!  I got the idea from Pinterest...go figure!

To get ready I had to find glow-in-the-dark bracelets that would fit into the eggs.  Note to self...only use very light colored eggs.  We always have a golden egg that has at least a dollar bill  it.  They don't glow so we sat them in a bracelet.

The hunt was a big success but I think playing with the bracelets was even a bigger success.

What was more fun I think was making things out of the glow bracelets.  Ellis made armor.

Cassie's heart.

Alaire made some pretty cool glasses.  And that is Cassie trying to spell out Alaire above her head.

I was trying out different settings on the day I get it right...I hope.

Cassie got really into the act.  Love her circles of color!

A E for Ellis.  Note to self...always write the letters and the words backwards because I have no idea how to edit them to make them be the right way.

An A for Alaire which was a real challenge.

A really cool M for Michael.

I'd say that  the kids would do this every night if they could.


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