Allyson's Fun Friday

You might be wondering why it is Allyson's Fun Friday...well let's just say that certain yahoos...that will remain nameless...committed two of Wammy's pet peeves this week...spitting and biting.  Not going to happen on my watch...sorry.

Needless to say, Allyson was ready for all that Fun Friday had to offer this week.  We no more finished one activity and she was ready for the next.  She kept me hopping.  The other two could have cared less.

Emmy told us about yogurt drops...AKA Fairy Drops in Wammyville.

So simple...spoon or dump a container of yogurt into a baggie.  Snip a small hole in the tip and use it as a pastry bag.  Squirt like there is no tomorrow.  You get this many fairy drops and a whole lot of smiles.

On to spring flower t-shirts

Again so easy.  Washed and dried fabric softener.  Permanent markers and 99% rubbing alcohol.  Check this website for all the details...

And after all this and more Allyson got to sleep in Wammy's big bed with Wammy's very special, 'cozy' cover as Ally called it.

Don't really know if not getting to have Fun Friday with us made any difference to the other two yahoos but Ally sure did have fun and was so excited about everything we did.  And she kept coming up with new and exciting things to do.

Sure hope next week goes better!


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