A Very Full Fun Friday

A few extra fun faces this week for Fun Friday.

Thursday night I hit the Interstate headed to Dry Ridge, KY to pick up Cassie and the kids.

So that means Wammy donuts for breakfast!

We knew that the weather was going to be a little crazy (little did we realize how horrible it was going to be) so right after breakfast we headed outside before it rained.

All wheeled vehicles we brought out of hibernation.

Emmy brought all her crew and we celebrated Dr. Seuss's birthday. (One of the many activities we did...Cat-In-The-Hat cookies)

I think they were a bi hit...they had a fun time making them and eating them was even better!

We got out the red paint and painted a card front.  Everyone had to sign their own name to the back of the card.

Everyone of the kids (except maybe Carter) wanted to know when Dr. Seuss was going to  come to his party.  Do you realize how hard that it is to explain? 

Cassie and Emmy took turns reading their favorite Dr. Seuss books.  The kids sat and listen forever.

And then came the talent portion of the day...everyone wanted to share their 'talents'.  Ellis told knock, knock jokes...

More jokes from Ernie...

Saffi...more jokes...

You guessed it...jokes from Fiona...

and even more from Doodles...

Allyson shaking her booty...

And Alaire with a mine..."I'm trapped in a box."

One comment...Usually we drive halfway on Friday night when Michael is home and the yahoos have been tucked in the parents cars headed for their houses.  This week I left on Thursday night because Michael had his weigh-in for the Pinewood Derby on Thursday night and we thought the kids might like to experience the whole thing and Trevor would be on his way to Louisville for a Youth Workers conference.  If I had waited until Friday...I most likely would have been in the path on the horrible tornadoes that devastated many towns along my route to Dry Ridge, KY.  I'm thinking it was surely a 'God thing' that we decided to pick up on a different day.


Unknown said…
more great memories. such lucky children. their self esteem and self worth just keeps booming with the time you guys give them.

glad u werent part of the tornado stuff. God spared.

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