Rainy Day Fun...Bowling

Emmy called and asked what we were going to do today...nothing but stay in and stay warm and dry.  NOT...she invited Doodles and I to go bowling.  Yep, taking four yahoos...three years old and under...bowling!  Carter and Allyson were at home today because Carter had his big 2 year old check-up.

Doodles and Fiona got to wear their regular shoes because their little feet are too small for the smallest shoes.

Happy Bowler #1 Saffron AKA Saffi

good form


Bowler #2 Ernie AKA Ern or Da Man

checking the spots on the floor

wishing for a big number

Bowler #3 Fiona AKA The Mighty One

She LOVES to bowl!

She so bad wants to hold her ball like the big people next to us.  Instead she puts her fingers in and pushes the ball down the ramp...every time.

And look who got the only strike of the day!

Bowler #4 Doodles AKA Watch Me Now

She would have been satisfied with just checking out all the machines and buttons.

If she could have she would have picked up both balls at the same time, every time.

Check out all the spares!

We headed to CFL for lunch then home for a nap.  Ahh, a good time was had by all.  We entertained all the senior citizens that were there bowling in leagues.  And Allyson and Carter...we are already planning another trip to Cherry Grove Lanes...sometime real soon!


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