A Little Pinterest Action

I know, I swore I would never get hooked...but there are so many great ideas, how could you not want to check it out? So yesterday while we were out enjoying the beautiful spring day I got my Pinterest on.

We have been starting out seeds like this for years.  I have been saving tubes for awhile because I remembered that I harvested lots of seeds from the yard last summer and fall.  So seed planting for the greenhouse started in gusto...with a little moral support from the yahoos as they passed by on their toys.

I love a good piece of rusty junk that you can repurpose to be something else.  This is a bed spring that came from am old set of springs that were leaning up against a tree on the street that I walked on the way to elementary school.  I found out a few years ago that the barn belonged to "Big Bob" and some day I asked him if he was ever going to use the springs for anything.  It ended up on the top of the van and made it's way home with us.

Emmy ended up finding these awesome bottles and we decided last Christmas to make infused oil for all the cooks in the family.  This is rosemary and garlic.  I won the heart tags years ago on a blog giveaway.  Cheap and very nice gift. (If you go to one of those fancy smancy food stores you pay big money for a bottle this size)


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