Fun Friday #23...Carter's Day

As you can tell by the star chart this started to go down hill as soon as the weather changed to rain, thunderstorms, and just yucky enough we couldn't go outside.  It was not a happy day in Wammyville today.

So Carter got to have his very own special green Fun Friday! He got to have the green plate and cup.  And on my goodness, look someone came and turned his milk green.

Allyson's too!

Doodles was not too excited about it at all.

Carter thought it was so funny but he didn't want me to take a picture of his green milk mustache.  I tried to explain to them about leprechauns and what they looked like and that they like to play funny tricks on people around this time of year.  Doodles kept calling them wizards and Allyson called them lepers every time.  Crack me up!

I need to give you a little background on Carter this week.  Yesterday morning he came up the sidewalk and I noticed a hive on the back of his neck.  Julie said that she had noticed it too.  By the time we got inside, which literally was two minutes, Carter was broken out with a pretty good case of hives.  Don't have a clue where they came from.  Doctor was called and Julie rushed to CVS to get some meds.  Today he is back and they really aren't any better.  So another call to the doctor and this time a visit was scheduled.  So now he is on two different meds and seems to be a little bit relieved.  So he missed the art project that he was going to get to do today.  I'll just save it for next Friday, but don't tel them that.

We had just enough time to make him into a 'leper/wizard' before he left for his doctor's appointment.

And at lunch Carter got a special green shamrock cookie which didn't sit too well with two little girls I know. Some days it is so hard to stick to your guns.  But I know if I don't mean what I say and say want I mean I loose the battle.

This is what a good dose of  Diphenhydramine and a prescription will do for you at nap time.

And that silly leprechaun is at it while they are sleeping.


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