Fun Friday #21...Half The Fun

Fun Friday is always talked about a few days before and when the girls hit the front door they want to know what we are going to do.

To start off the fun we always do a little bit of sorting laundry and actually do some laundry.  They all love being helpers.

They know the routine...except today I forgot to put on paint shirts.  Carter let me know the first time the shaving cream paint got on his sleeve.  Oops.

I put tape some in the form of the first letter of their name.  

Then we used straight shaving cream to clean off the table.  We used to do this in preschool all the time to clean the gunk build up off the tables.  It makes everything so clean and the room smells good too.

You can never have enough.

She looks so serious here.

She couldn't decide which had she wanted to paint with.

Heck, it's more fun with just your hands and arms.

As you can see, Allyson has nothing on her hands, arms, tray or table.

Once er got her more 'foam' she seemed to enjoy it.

I had planned to do a little baking with them today...really cute little individual apple pies but I think a dark ugly cloud moved over the house and got stuck for a few hours.  We just had a rough time and Carter got sick....he got a shot yesterday and he is cutting some new teeth.  Doodles was way too would up to take a nap.  So we just sat around and listened to Pappy tell stories.


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