First Trip Of The Season

Cassie and the kids haven't been to Findlay Market in awhile so we took a little road trip downtown.  I love going many awesome smells, a wide variety of people watching to be done and there is always some kind of sweet treat at the end of the trip.
32 days from today, Michael and I will be here for the big Opening Day Parade for the Cincinnati Reds.  The first time we lived in Cincinnati we took the kids to the game.  This year Mark has to work but Michael and I will go to the parade.  Hmm...better be getting the day off I would imagine.  Now were are those Reds t-shirts?

Always something going on.  This area is usually where the farmers bring their vegetables.  Today there were several cooks trying to win the bragging rights for the best fried rice.  For $1 you could get a little container and after you had tasted them all, you could vote.  I felt so bad for them.  It was windy, cold and snowing!  The good part, there was lots of little cups of rice being eaten.

Our bag contained....Brussels sprouts, fingerling potatoes, strawberries, scallions, and okra.

Ellis was fascinated with the lobster.  This isn't the greatest shot but I love the faces of the man and lady in the background.  Everyone was telling Ellis what they knew about the lobsters.  And with every statement we made he had another question.  But the best part is the pitch and delivery of his questions.

Oh no, cooked lobster.

One of my favorite stands....'the fudge man'.  There is always a wide variety of fudges.  I think I have sampled the all.

No trip to Findlay Market is complete without at trip to DOJO.  In our tummies today...dutch chocolate and sea salt caramel, peanut butter sriracha, line cilantro cardamom, and ruby red grapefruit sorbetto. 


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