
Looks like these are the only chickens I will ever get to have while living where we live now.  I have been talking about wanting a goat for a long time.  Just came to the realization that as long as we live here that is probably never going to happen.  So next best thing...chicken, right?  I think I had Mark pretty much talked into it.  We even looked into getting a chicken coop from the same people that made our  rabbit hatch.  I even got a book and did some research.  I had questions written down for Andy and Lizzie (Cedarmore Farm CSA).  And then Mark had to go and call those people in the township that make all the rules.  No animals of any kind except dogs, cats and birds unless you have 5+ acres.  So now I am looking for 5+ acres in Hillsboro so I can have goats, chickens and whatever else animal I chose.  A log cabin and land with a creek is my dream home!  Anyone know of anything available?


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